Recently Halimah Bellows, career coach and author of Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work, shared on KATU2’s AM Northwest the reasons why the different career stages of your life require different career search strategies. You can watch a video of her interview at: http://katu.com/amnw/lifestyle-health/champion-your-career viagra without a doctor prescription. Below is a summary of her suggestions.
College Students
College students should take their time choosing a major, explore classes that inspire them and seek the advice of their college counselors.
Mid-Career Changers:
Do an honest assessment and discover why the job did not work out. If it was merely a lay off due to corporate changes and structure, it is an OPPORTUNITY to re-invent yourself. There are many self-help books on reinvention in mid-life. Perhaps you have developed new traits, talents and skills and at first don’t believe they can translate into work. Research the possibilities. The work world has changed since you first entered the work force. New jobs are emerging. Do a new self-assessment: Are you driven and self-directed enough to start a business? Do you have resources to carry you through the start-up phase? Do you have networks of people whom you can use for resources? Can you/should you go back to school?
Retirees Looking for Work:
- Are you seeking work for financial support?
- Are you seeking work for social interaction?
- Are you seeking work to explore different geographical areas?
- Are you seeking work for emotional fulfillment.
The answer to these questions will assist in WHERE to look and WHAT to look for.
Financial Supportive jobs: Look for jobs that fit your established skill sets, and physical abilities. Make sure the time commitment matches with your desired lifestyle
Jobs that Give Social Interaction: If you do not need a job to make money, there are many volunteer opportunities and community needs: Volunteering at the library, community center, food bank, etc.
Jobs that Offer Emotional Fulfillment: There are opportunities that speak to your emotional needs. Religious: Churches offer paid and non-paying positions. Hospitals: Offer volunteer opportunities. Retirement Centers offer paid and non-paying positions.
Jobs that Offer Diverse and Geographical Experiences: There are books written about work/travel opportunities. Finding a good match is important. Tips: Look for these work travel experiences to be a good fit for your physical abilities, areas that won’t compromise your health, and areas that match your lifestyle preferences (Backpacking not your thing? Have asthma? Food sensitivities?) – explore carefully where you are interested in going.
This interview with author Halimah Bellows can be found online at:
The Crazy Mind–Interviews with Interesting People
Book : “Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work”
Halimah Bellows has been a Pacific Northwest and California-based career counselor/coach for more than 20 years, she holds an MA in English Language Teaching, an MS in Counseling Psychology and received training at The Coaches Training Institute. She is also a seasoned workshop presenter and radio guest. We have conducted an interview with her.
What do you aim to achieve with your new book “Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work”?
My intention is to provide a comprehensive career development book for the 21st century to address the critical concerns of our time—the workers who are victims of downsizing and outsourcing, the “boomers” who are at retirement age but cannot afford to retire and the recent college graduates who are faced with an avalanche of confusing information and are clueless about how to pursue an appropriate career path.
What is unique about the perspective offered by “Champion Your Career?”
“Champion Your Career” is unusual in that it combines career counseling with career coaching. By asking the appropriate questions, “Champion Your Career” not only gives the reader the theory behind choosing a career that’s right for an individual, but offers practical exercises, resources, and powerful questions so that the reader can then become his or her own career champion. The other books that are in the market now offer career choice theory with self-assessment exercises, but without the coaching structure and support that moves readers to active decision-making within the process of becoming their own career champion.
How long did you take to write this book?
The book in its current form was developed over a three-year period. Much of the material came from a radio interview show that I had done earlier, based on my twenty years of experience as a career coach. I was given the rights to the tapes from the show, and, with the help of my developmental editor, I turned the interviews into prose and added updated information, resources and social media platforms.
To whom do you recommend this book?
The book is designed to be adapted for use in multiple settings. It can be an accompanying text for a college career and life-planning course. It can be used in midlife by those who want to change careers but don’t know what direction to take. At the same time, retirees seeking post-retirement careers can use this book along with financial and other post-retirement planning materials.
What are the benefits of this book?
This book provides readers with the tools for exploring and assessing their values, passions, strengths and skills in order to pursue a career path that will lead to a life of fulfillment. Career development is a process. Once the readers learn this, they can strategically apply the process at any point in their working lives. Additionally, the book provides up-to-the-minute resources for exploring today’s job market.
What are your background and credentials?
After completing my undergraduate studies in Social Science and English at New York University, I earned an MA in English Language Teaching at the University of Exeter in England and then taught English as a Second Language in England and Indonesia. Returning to the United States, I earned my MS in Counseling Psychology at San Francisco State University and received intensive Certified Coach Training at The Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California and Retirement Options in St. Louis, Missouri to become a Certified Retirement and Professional Coach. Additionally, I have obtained graduate certificates in Training Systems Development and Educational Drama. I hold Washington and California Community College Teaching and Counseling Credentials and am a Certified Depenable Strengths Articulation Process Facilitator. I recently served on the executive board of the Puget Sound Career Development Association.
How has your direct experience in working with your clients influenced your approach to writing?
I know that the key to quickly gaining insight and taking action toward right livelihood has to do with the art of asking the right questions and providing guidance about how to uncover what is important and true for each reader’s personal career quest. I wanted to present the material in a personal, easy-to-read style with humor to make it accessible to anyone pursuing a new career path. I have designed “Champion Your Career” as self-paced career development workshop in book format. I offer specific concrete action steps illustrated by the career success stories that are sprinkled throughout the book.
How important is the ability to listen non-judgmentally to people?
In any counseling profession, the ability to listen non-judgmentally is critical. Talking with a non-judgmental listener enables people to examine their own ideas with greater clarity, discarding judgments that have been imposed on them by others in the past and arriving at solutions that truly work for them in their lives.
How has this helped you in your career building?
At an early age I became aware of my natural ability to listen to people non-judgmentally as well as my desire to be of service to others. In my life as an educator, a career counselor and a coach, I have been able to marry my fascination with people’s stories with my deep interest in the world of work.
What other kind of coaching services do you provide?
In addition to career coaching, I offer a number of other coaching services. With Personal Coaching, I work with the client as a private navigator for his or her life journey. With Retirement Coaching, I help individuals plan for a vibrant and enriching retirement life after full-time employment. For couples, I offer Couples Coaching to provide the tools for creating a satisfying and enduring partner relationship that enriches and enlivens friendship, reduces stress, increases peace of mind, deepens commitment, and improves quality of life. In the business world, I offer Relationship Systems Coaching, which is the process of working with partnerships and/or teams in a business or non-profit setting in order to help the organization members interact more effectively and profitably and with a higher level of satisfaction. I also offer Small Business Coaching and Consulting to help businesses promote continuous growth and strength by clarifying goals, creating a strategy for completing those goals, and building a support framework to keep the business moving forward. And I offer Business Partnership Coaching, which allows partners to consciously and intentionally create a partnership that can be the cornerstone of business success.
How has your personal philosophy about career development inspired your writing?
I am passionate in my belief that fulfillment from making the right career choice is imperative to achieving a life well-lived. Most working adults spend one third of their days in the workplace. Being in a rewarding career and a healthy work environment has a ripple affect throughout their personal and interpersonal lives.
Recently Halimah Bellows, Career Coach and Author of Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work, gave advice on KATU2’s AM Northwest for anyone embarking on a job search. You can watch a video of her interview at: http://katu non prescription viagra.com/amnw/books-authors/job-search-no-nos. Below is a summary of her suggestions:
- Companies will not allow you to call for an interview, and they frown on anyone walking in asking for an application. Your first impression is now your resume.
- Since most resumes must be sent online the resume must stand out and show your best skills.
- If you want to stand out even more and above the rest, write a cover letter even if not asked for – a 2nd opportunity to show how your skills match the job description.
- In online resumes employers look for key words, be sure to include these in your list of skills – read the job description carefully, use their words for your key words, or look up on line – Occupational Outlook Handbook, or O net to find job descriptions of occupations – search for resumes in the field – look for what is repeated.
- Networking: LinkedIn, B2B Meetings, Chamber meetings, Alumni associations
- Names are still magic, inside contacts – ‘so and so referred me’ – aha, a connection, use it.
- Tap Into The Market
- Visit Job and Career Fairs
- Expand your List of network to social, political, or religious organizations
- Dig deep. When filling out an online application, assessment, resume and cover letter do a Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter search for someone who works for the company you are applying for. Drop them a line and mention you are applying for the company they work for-they may be able to help pull your app out of the pile and put in a good word for you.
- Join organizations associated with the field you are interested in finding work: American Film Marketing Association, Financial Women International, etc.
- Membership services are a way to network within the field you are seeking and a way to meet people in your target industry: trade shows, seminars, internships, publications, professional development, employment referrals. TIP: Choose your internship seriously—many of students have been hired after an internship, as they already know you. “show up on time, be reliable, take initiative.”
- Myths about Networking and Job Search Issues
- I went to a small school so there won’t be resources for job networking: While the alumni network may be smaller, it probably is a tighter network.
- Someone will find a job for me, an employment agency, a college placement office: Most jobs are not well advertised. Ask around, learn how to be a good researcher and detective.
- If I have a degree, I can get a job. If I can’t find a job, I have to go back to school: Your success in landing a job lies in your ability to assess the totality of your life experiences and relate them to your career goals and the job opening you are pursuing. You must sell yourself to the employer once you get the interview. If you cannot find a job related to the direct degree, look at the skills you have and the ones that are ‘transferable’ into different occupations.
- The younger person will get the job: Many articles are written about age bias. However there are employers out there who prefer more mature workers who have more experience, are more reliable, and won’t have childcare issues.
Recently on King5’s New Day Northwest, Career counselor Halimah Bellows shared tips for successful job hunting and career changes at any age and any experience level viagra without prescription. The tips she shared and more are featured in her book, “Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work” You can now watch a video of the interview by pasting the link below into your browser: http://www.king5.com/entertainment/television/programs/new-day-northwest/champion-your-career-at-any-age-1/93904474
The following excerpt from Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows MA, MS is now featured on Bublish at https://bublish.com/bubble/stream/11455?share=email .
Bublish (www.bublish.com) is a publishing technology company that offers cloud-based tools, metrics and resources.
Author Insight
My favorite saying about core values is: “The degree to which we live our lives in alignment with our core values is the degree of fulfillment that we will experience.” Core values reflect what is truly important to us as happy healthy individuals. Core values relate to the heart of our being. They relate to the sacred essence of what we want to manifest in the world.
Book Excerpt.
When we honor our core values regularly and consistently, life is good. When we are living from our core values, we feel fulfilled. Our values serve as a compass, pointing out what it means to be true to ourselves, and providing a sense of authenticity, self-respect and peace..
Many people cannot express what their five to ten core values are and thus are living lives unconnected to them. This ambivalence can lead to a life of unhappiness, discontent, conflict and unease.
The following excerpt from Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows MA, MS is now featured on Bublish at https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/11402?share=email.
Bublish (www.bublish.com) is a publishing technology company that offers cloud-based tools, metrics and resources.
Author Insight
Talents and strengths are related. They work together. An example of a talent could be the ability to organize people and to motivate people. There are people who are linguists. They don’t have to work too hard at learning a new language. They just pick up a language naturally. You can learn a language, yes, and it is a skill, but some people have what we call a natural ability. Some people pick it up, one, two, three and others just struggle. It’s a natural ability to be a linguist, to learn languages. For some people, it just comes and it flows.
Book Excerpt
I’m going to give you five questions to think about when you want to uncover your talents. It’s basically tapping into what you enjoy. First of all, you want to think about what you enjoy most in your current work. Now, even if you dislike most of your work there may be one feature about it that you enjoy. So what is it that you enjoy most about your current work? Find that part of the job that you really love to do and do more of it. You can always re-craft your job to make it more interesting to you, to find the things that you really want to do more of. You can negotiate with your bosses, your management. Take on extra projects to do what you really love. Then at least you’ll have more satisfaction at what you do.
Halimah Bellows, MA, MS, CCC, CPC will be having a book signing and table display of her book, “Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work” at the South Seattle College Bookstore, 6000 16th Avenue SW, on Thursday, October 20 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
The following excerpt from Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows MA, MS is now featured on Bublish at https://bublish.com/bubble/stream/11281?share=email.
Bublish (www.bublish.com) is a publishing technology company that offers cloud-based tools, metrics and resources.
Author Insight
People change careers in America generally between five and seven times in a lifetime. This is just something to bear in mind so you don’t get caught up in the dead-end thinking of, “This is my choice and I have to stick with it for the rest of my life.” You don’t because you grow and as you grow you may change and you may find what was rewarding to you once may not be rewarding at a later time.
“Who am I?” That is the bottom line. Then you have to know what your interests are and what you are passionate about. You need to explore your values and assess your skills, your strengths, and your talents.
Strategy for Decision-Making
There are action steps you can take to gather information about the world of work.
The following excerpt from Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows MA, MS is now featured on Bublish at
Bublish (www.bublish.com) is a publishing technology company that offers cloud-based tools, metrics and resources.
Author Insight
Any change takes courage. To be truly satisfied throughout your work life, your career needs to change and grow with you. The job you are most attracted to may change throughout your life. Personalized career coaching exercises will assist you to explore your passions and values and recognize your strengths and skills. Once you have those, you will apply strategies for determining your desired career.
Book Excerpt
Statistics show that people change careers up to three times throughout their lives—and some people pursue as many as seven careers. We are different people at age 20 than we are at age 30, 40, 50 or 60. We look at life differently and our values change too.
That is why identifying your values is such a key part of career development. This process involves asking and answering questions of yourself about what is important to you and observing what you feel passionately attracted to (as well as what you feel passionately repelled by.)
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 – The National Association of Book Entrepreneurs (NABE) has named Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows, MA, MS as winner of their Summer 2016 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the category of Self-Help Books. NABE has been giving Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards for more than 30 years to honor some of the finest small press and independently published books in a wide variety of different fields.
Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work addresses the needs of a new generation of career seekers in a rapidly changing economy and job marketplace. Designed as self-paced career development workshop in book format, Champion Your Career provides self-assessment tools to enable individuals to explore their personal passions, values, strengths and skills, along with sound strategies and resources for decision making, goal setting and networking to begin a fulfilling new career. Champion Your Career is available in print and as an ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million and Powell’s online bookstores. It is also available directly from the author’s website, www.championyourcareer.com. Additionally, it is also now being carried in bookstores around the country as well as in some local college bookstores and college libraries in the Pacific North West.
Halimah Bellows is also the creator of a unique self-coaching tool called CAREER QUEST CARDS TM ©, a set of 24 cards providing a distillation of 30 key career-coaching exercises. A Career Quest App is available through Amazon as well as at the google and iBooks stores.
Bellows is a sought after and respected resource for career advice and coaching. She teaches her clients to re-frame their lives and career choices by choosing positive and life affirming goals that have realistic time frames so that discouragement doesn’t set in. She stresses, “What I focus on and teach others through my book and the CAREER QUEST CARDS TM ©, and app is that, in order to meet a goal, you need to turn to those things that you want to make happen, things that will give you a sense of accomplishment, skill building and joy. Those goals will be much more sustainable.”
Halimah Bellows is available for radio, television and media interviews as well as readings and discussions in bookstores and other venues. For a review copy of Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work or an interview with the author, contact her at hbellows@championyourcareeer.com or 206.595.7927.